





Slump, a special type of landslide, occurs as large masses of the slope move downward and outward due to gravitational pull. Slump more typically develops in unconsolidated material, and is commonly caused by undercutting or steepening of the slope to the extent that it can no longer support its own weight. Slumps often occur along eroded stream banks, sea cliffs, or human-excavated slopes. Sometimes called slope failure, a slump may involve one block or a series of slump blocks. The blocks move along a curved slip surface in a rotational motion that tilts the blocks backward. 地層下陷, 是滑坡裡比較特別的一種. 發生在坡地龐大的質量因為地心引力而上下移動的時候. 地層下陷大多是在物質鬆動中行成, 也通常因為坡地基於陡峭和下陷而無法繼續承受自己重量而發生. 地層下陷多是發生在遭受侵蝕的河岸沿邊, 濱海懸堐, 或是人造坡地上. 有時候被稱為坡地失敗. ㄧ個地層下陷可能和一個或ㄧ系列的下陷地塊有關. 這些地塊朝著一個彎曲的划行面移動 並以轉動的方式使得地塊往後轉. Debris slides consist of a moving mass of mud, soil, and rock fragments mixed with water. They contain more solid material than water and typically occur in hilly or mountainous regions after heavy rains. Such slides that move suddenly and at great speeds are called debris avalanches. In the Peruvian Andes in 1977, a debris avalanche moved some 20 to 45 million cubic yards of earth material at speeds of almost 100 miles (160 km) per hour. This massive slide buried an entire city, killing most of its 19,000 inhabitants. The huge landslide that followed the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington in 岩層滑動包含了 移動質量的泥巴, 土壤, 和碎石塊 混合著水. 他們其中的實體 大過於水, 而通常是在下過大雨的丘陵地或山區中發生. 此類突然又急速的移動被稱為地層崩塌. 1977年, 在祕魯 安地斯山脈, ㄧ個地層崩塌以一小時 100英里(160公里)的速度 移動了 2~4.5 千萬立方碼的地質. 這個巨大的移動淹埋了整個城市, 奪走了1萬9千個居民的性命. 這個具大的 地層下陷受到在華盛頓的聖海倫山的火山爆發影響. *還好我多多少少學過一點地層... =..= 不太容易翻呢... *已經盡量讓他通順了 有什麼疑問 載貼吧~ ^^ *那個 in washington in... 之後 應該還有吧??? 2008-05-15 09:03:13 補充: 剛剛看到新聞 就順便補充一下 這次四川地震 斷層長達 120公里. 頃協了 30 度. 並且在 45 秒內就移動了3.4公尺...




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